Legal Services

Vinay Mathur, a Well-Educated and Experienced Lawyer Who Believes that Good Leadership Reaps Good Professionals

Lawyer, Rajasthan High Courtjaipur

Law is an extremely difficult profession for first-generation lawyers. You must have good support from seniors at the beginning of your practice.
Law is an extremely difficult profession for first-generation lawyers. You must have good support from seniors at the beginning of your practice.

Vinay Mathur has had a successful career fighting appellate cases concerning motor accidents.

Vinay Mathur is a lawyer in the Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench. He has been practicing since 2001. He deals mainly with motor accident cases and appellate matters. He also counsels for many organizations and institutions, as well as the Government of India.

Vinay’s father was a lawyer, and, inspired by him, Vinay also decided to become a lawyer. Vinay says he has not had to face many struggles in life. However, as his father died early in 1995, he had to first complete his graduation and LLB after his father’s death and then start his career. He did juniorship with a senior lawyer and learned a lot from him. Then he started his own practice. Vinay says if you get a good senior, it helps a lot in this profession.

Vinay says that just as he benefited from his seniors in his juniorship, he also tries to teach the juniors working under him to the best of his ability. In his opinion, both education and experience are very important in life. He puts both education and experience at equal levels.

Vinay feels Law is a profession where you have to work hard all your life. You have to study and keep updating yourself. Those who cannot do hard work shall not enter this profession, according to him. He also thinks that to establish your practice as a lawyer, you must have good support from your seniors at the beginning of your practice.

Talking about his achievements, Vinay says he was selected by an association of the top five hundred lawyers in the US and invited on a tour of the country to observe the legal process there, which was a great experience for him.

If he gets a chance to travel back in time, Vinay would like to relive his school days, as they were good fun and he enjoyed his school days a lot.

Vinay says the Corona pandemic did not affect him much as he was able to carry on his profession through video hearings. On the personal front, he had a good time with his family.

Although his profession keeps him extremely busy, whatever little free time he gets, he likes to spend it with his children. He says a lawyer does not have an active social life due to a lack of time.

For newcomers to the profession, his advice is that it is a difficult profession for first-generation lawyers, and you will have to work very hard. The positive side of the profession, according to him, is that you are not an employee of anyone and can work at your own will.

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Vinay Mathur, Lawyer Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur

Watch inspiring story of Vinay Mathur, Lawyer Rajasthan High Court in Jaipur.