Health, Wellness & Fitness

Smily Mukta Ghoshal, a Global Icon, a Goodwill Ambassador and a Passionate Entrepreneur Bringing Back Nature Through Her Organic Beauty Products

Founder, 1 Natural Beautydallas

Nature's gifts can transform both our skin and our lives.
Nature's gifts can transform both our skin and our lives.

With a background in plant biology and a strong advocacy for sustainable living, Mukta blends ancient beauty formulas with contemporary skincare. She began her entrepreneurial journey in a small kitchen lab and grew it into a recognised brand known for its personalised natural products. Her dedication to promoting natural beauty and wellness, combined with numerous awards and recognitions, showcases her resilience and commitment.

Smily Mukta Ghoshal is an extraordinarily positive persona, standing as an inspirational figure to many. She has transitioned from a corporate business trainer to a passionpreneur, and she is on a mission to bring back the natural beauty formulas known to people in ancient times into our modern skin and hair care regimes.

Her journey is a testament to her resilience, passion, and unwavering commitment to her goals. Now a global icon and goodwill ambassador, she inspires many with her innovative approach to beauty and wellness.

Born and raised in New Delhi, Smily Mukta Ghoshal is a proud Indian-American. She attributes the values that guide her life to her economist father, who laid the foundation for her journey as a Go Green Passionpreneur, Global Icon, and Goodwill Ambassador. Professionally, she is a plant biologist and, by passion, a nature lover. Smily Mukta’s upbringing in a household that valued education and nature greatly influenced her career path and personal values. Her father's teachings about the importance of positivity and perseverance have been a cornerstone of her life philosophy, guiding her through various challenges and triumphs.

Even while working for corporate companies, Smily Mukta always dreamt of venturing out on her own. Her aspiration was to bring natural products into contemporary beauty and skin care. She firmly believes that nature has provided us with everything we need, and it’s crucial to reintegrate these natural products into our skincare routines, just as it was done in the olden days. Her father’s teachings about staying positive and facing every challenge with a smile inspired her to adopt the name Smily. This belief in the power of nature and the importance of natural beauty products has been the driving force behind her entrepreneurial journey.

After serving as a business trainer in the corporate sector and working in various South Asian countries, Smily Mukta made a significant shift in 2013 when she moved to Dallas, USA. This move marked the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey. Alone in a new country, she worked tirelessly, conducting seminars and workshops without taking breaks, even to eat. Her father’s motivation kept her spirits high during challenging times. She gave it her all to realize her dream of creating her own venture. This period of relentless hard work and dedication was crucial in laying the groundwork for her future success.

Smily Mukta started her entrepreneurial journey in her kitchen, which she converted into a lab for experimenting with beauty secrets and formulas she had known since childhood. She grew and handpicked her own herbs from her little farm, testing and perfecting her products. This hands-on approach allowed her to ensure the quality and effectiveness of her products, and it gave her a deep understanding of the ingredients she was working with.

Smily Mukta considers herself her own inspiration. She believes that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams, and this belief keeps her motivated at all times. Her self-reliance and confidence in her abilities have been key factors in her success. Smily Mukta’s journey is a powerful example of how believing in oneself and staying motivated can deliver incredible achievements.

The unique selling proposition (USP) of her products is that they are customized according to the skin type of each individual. Additionally, she personally delivers all her products, demonstrating her humble and grounded nature. This personal touch not only ensures that each customer gets the best possible product for their needs but also helps build strong relationships with her clients. Smily Mukta’s commitment to customer satisfaction and her attention to detail set her apart in the beauty industry.

Smily Mukta's mission is to tell people that aging is inevitable, but aging gracefully with flawless skin and hair is within our control. She emphasizes the importance of using natural products and taking care of one’s skin and hair from an early age. Her mission is not just about selling products but also about educating people on the benefits of natural beauty care and the importance of self-care. Smily Mukta believes that everyone deserves to look and feel their best, and she is dedicated to helping her customers achieve that.

Recalling her childhood, Smily Mukta shares fond memories of spending her summer breaks at her maternal uncle’s place in Kolkata, where she was showered with love and sweets. She also cherishes memories of spending time in nature, plucking bananas from banana trees, and wishes to relive those moments. Her childhood experiences have greatly influenced her love for nature and her commitment to creating natural beauty products. Smily Mukta’s fond memories of her childhood are a testament to the importance of staying connected to one’s roots and cherishing the simple joys of life.

Discussing the COVID-19 pandemic, she says that the past two years have been tough for everyone. She hopes that 2022 will be a year full of positivity. During the pandemic, she capitalized on her spare time to learn the nuances of social media and also got to spend quality time with her loved ones. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Smily Mukta remained positive and used the time to grow and learn. Her ability to stay positive and make the most of difficult situations is a testament to her resilience and determination.

She believes that both education and experience are equally important. What she learnt about plants during her graduation and the experiments she conducted in her chemistry lab were instrumental in creating her own natural beauty products. Additionally, she had been making her own skin and hair care products from kitchen ingredients since childhood, and this experience, coupled with her education, helped her embark on her entrepreneurial journey. Smily Mukta’s blend of formal education and practical experience has been crucial to her success, allowing her to create effective and high-quality products.

Smily Mukta says there’s no secret formula to her success. It’s simply her belief in herself that she can and will succeed that has made things fall into place for her. She emphasizes the importance of self-confidence and determination in achieving one’s goals. Her story is a powerful reminder that, with the right mindset and dedication, anything is possible.

Mukta says that there’s no limit to how much one can learn in life. She is always eager to learn as much as she can from as many people as possible. Her curiosity and willingness to learn have been key factors in her success, allowing her to continually improve and innovate in her field. Smily Mukta’s dedication to lifelong learning is an inspiration to others, showcasing that the quest for knowledge and self-improvement never ends.

Smily Mukta notes that there’s a gradual shift in the way people want to live their lives. Earlier, people were more focused on materialistic things and modernism, but now they are recognising the importance of living close to nature and are moving back to natural ways. She believes that this shift is a positive change, as it encourages people to lead healthier, more balanced lives. Smily Mukta is passionate about promoting a lifestyle that is in harmony with nature, and she is dedicated to helping people make this transition.

Talking about her awards and achievements, Smily Mukta shares that she is a Go Green Passionpreneur, Global Icon, and Goodwill Ambassador. The Indo-Global Chamber of Commerce was the first to recognise her efforts and honour her as a Green Initiative Leader. In Dallas, she received the Beauty With Purpose award from the New Dallas Association. She was also featured as the Organic Skin and Hair Queen on the cover page of a magazine in Dallas.

Additionally, she has been awarded as a Positive Role Model, Top Women Entrepreneur, Global Glory Icon, Global Peace Award, and included in Top Women in Business, 100 Inspirational Women, Women’s World Record, and International Women Icons 2021, to name a few. She is also a global ambassador to various beauty pageants and has been invited as the Guest of Honour at numerous educational events by many educational institutes in the UAE, India, Pakistan, and Africa.

Smily Mukta emphasizes the importance of eliminating negative people from one’s life to achieve goals and lead a successful life. She also believes that having the courage and confidence to face challenges head-on is crucial for success. Her positive attitude and resilience have been key factors in her success, allowing her to overcome obstacles and achieve her goals. Smily Mukta’s advice to eliminate negativity and stay focused on one’s goals is a powerful message for anyone looking to achieve success.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, her advice is multifaceted. She emphasises the importance of realising your passion and figuring out how you can make a positive change with it. She stresses that entrepreneurship is not solely about making money; it’s about contributing to the world while staying grounded and humble. She also advises aspiring entrepreneurs to be ready and willing to face challenges with confidence and to never copy others but navigate their own path to success. Smily Mukta’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is a valuable guide for anyone looking to start their own business, emphasizing the importance of passion, resilience, and authenticity.

To conclude, Smily Mukta acknowledges the support, direct and indirect, and blessings of her parents and all her well-wishers. She attributes her success to their support and believes that it has helped her become the woman and change-maker she is today. Smily Mukta’s gratitude and acknowledgement of the support she has received is a powerful reminder of the importance of community and support in achieving one’s goals.

Smily Mukta is always open to hearing from anyone and connecting with them. Below are her social media details, where she can be reached:

WhatsApp: +1-940-315-0509



▪️Instagram @smilymukta

Email: [email protected]

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Watch the Story of a Global Icon, Smily Mukta Ghoshal | Go Green Passionpreneur

Meet Smily Mukta Ghoshal, a Go Green Passionpreneur and Global Icon dedicated to reviving ancient natural beauty formulas for modern skincare. Learn how her passion has made her a leader in beauty and wellness.