
Saurabh Vyas, a Tech-Savvy Software Engineer Deploying His Expertise With Proficiency in Big Data Technologies

Principal Software Engineer, Oraclebangalore

Career should not be the only thing that defines you.
Career should not be the only thing that defines you.

As a software engineer, Saurabh takes great pleasure in playing with technology. He says that carving your own niche is very important in today’s world.

Saurabh Vyas is an IT professional at Oracle in Bengaluru. Originally from Udaipur, he has been residing in Bengaluru for fifteen years now and has been giving his services in the IT industry. He works on operating systems and mentors startups. Saurabh often interacts with the student community and is a volunteer at heart.

Delving back into the 1990s when everyone wanted to be an engineer, Saurabh says he was no different. His education took place at a military school in Bikaner. Saurabh has been a sports lover ever since and remembers playing with his elder brother, which gave him a different perspective on life and taught him useful things.

Pursuing his love for computers and technology, he opted for engineering, knowing that it was not going to be easy. Thereafter, Saurabh joined BCA in Udaipur and chose Bengaluru as his destination, which is indeed an IT hub. He then went ahead to do his MCA and graduated in 2005. He landed his first job at Torry Harris, and after working there for some time, he moved to Sun Microsystems, his dream company. His work experience provided him the opportunity to lead projects and tinker with technology like cloud computing.

Speaking about his challenges, Saurabh shares that he went through a rough phase when his son was born premature and had to stay in an ICU for 108 days. However, this incident also made him a tough individual and taught him to deal with adversities in life.

When asked about his success mantra, Sauarbh says that seeing people happy around him and being able to spend time with his family members accounts for success. He adds that having a proper work-life balance and doing what makes him happy is his mantra for success.

Talking about the pandemic, Saurabh says that it has been a pleasant experience for him since he was working from home and could also give enough time to his parents and kids.

When asked about his role models, Saurabh says that he considers his father as an inspiration, who is a self-made man. He also draws inspiration from his brother, who taught him to do whatever he wanted without paying any heed to what others might think.

If Saurabh could go back in a Time Machine, he would relive his school days and play sports professionally and be remembered for it.

Saurabh is motivated by the quote, "With power comes great responsibility." On similar lines, he adds that one should also take responsibility for the outcomes of your actions.

Saurabh advises the youth to carve out a niche for themselves and not just do what others seem to be doing. He adds that every individual is different, so one should identify their own potential and work on it. Saurabh says that it is good to take advice, but one should follow what their heart says at the end of the day.

In his leisure time, Saurabh likes to play sports, watch movies, and travel to rejuvenate himself. He truly enjoys spending time in nature and meeting new people. Saurabh also participates in civic body discussion forums whenever needed.

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Saurabh Vyas, Principal Software Engineer at Oracle, Bangalore

Watch inspiring story of Saurabh Vyas, Principal Software Engineer at Oracle in Bangalore.