Makeup, Salons & Spas

Rashida Pavithiwala, a Makeup Artist Who Joined a Makeup Class Just to Learn About Products and Their Usage Methods & Soon Decided to Make It Her Full-Time Career

Makeup Artist & Owner, Studio by Rashida Pavthiwalabangalore

Take charge of your lives, believe in yourselves, and pursue your passions because it will be worthwhile.
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Take charge of your lives, believe in yourselves, and pursue your passions because it will be worthwhile.
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Rashida is a makeup artist and considers the field of makeup to be the field of her mind where she has truly found herself.

Rashida is a Makeup Artist from Bangalore. She owns a makeup studio named “Studio by Rashida Pavthiwala”. She has been working in this field for the past ten years. She specializes in Photography and Media makeup.

Sharing about her professional journey, Rashida says that she was born in Kolkata and shifted to Bangalore after marriage. She spent many years assisting her husband in his business. However, she knew that that business  was not for her. After thinking a lot, she decided to leave that field. She struggled for a while to decide which field to enter. She enrolled in a personal grooming and makeup class for self-development and realized that this was her area of interest.

Rashida says that challenges exist in every field and in every person’s life, and she has also faced challenges. She says that because her job requires a lot of innovation and standing for extended periods of time, it requires a person to be very energetic, physically fit, and prompt. She says she sometimes  thinks that she would have benefited more from entering this field a little earlier.

When asked about her achievements, Rashida proudly says that establishing and running her studio is her greatest achievement. She also considers the opportunity to assist a famous makeup artist on a Star Wars set in London to be a particularly memorable moment and accomplishment.

Rashida counsels aspiring makeup artists to enroll in professional training rather than limiting their knowledge by viewing online videos. With professional training, they learn how to apply makeup in accordance with the specifics of this industry, such as the various skin types and facial structures. Develop your abilities and find your niche because there are many different types of makeup styles in this industry, Rashida says.

In her spare time, Rashida likes to exercise and read self-help books.

When asked who her role model is, Rashida says she looks up to her kids as her inspirations. Her children always support her, and even today she shares her condition with them and only gets encouragement from them.

Rashida says that her life mantra is “If you sow, you reap, you reap more than what you sow." Your whole life revolves around this.

Rashida advises women to take charge of their lives, believe in themselves, and pursue their passions because it will be worthwhile. She says that following your heart will help you discover your true self, which she refers to as being beyond words. If you see yourself living the life you teach your children to live, then your children themselves will start living the same life by being inspired by you.

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Rashida Pavithiwala, Makeup Artist & Owner at Studio by Rashida Pavthiwala, Bangalore

Watch inspiring story of Rashida Pavithiwala, Makeup Artist & Owner at Studio by Rashida Pavthiwala in Bangalore.