Legal Services

Nirmal Kumar Pandit, Became a Lawyer Out of an Intention to Provide Those in Need With Justice in the Simplest Way Possible


Always be positive and have faith in God. Keep your patience always
Always be positive and have faith in God. Keep your patience always

Leaving behind his shyness, Nirmal Kumar has become a successful lawyer. He is content with his life and profession as he is also able to help people through it.

Nirmal Kumar Pandit is from Udaipur. He has been practicing as an advocate for the past 22 years.

From his childhood Nirmal was fascinated by the lawyers in their black coats. He also wanted to become one so that he could also help people in getting justice done to them. He also liked the profession as it commands good respect in society. Nirmal feels in this profession you can earn your livelihood and also help society besides providing work to youngsters,

Nirmal says he was a simple shy boy in his childhood. After passing 10th class he started taking tuitions. But, as most of his students were from a particular community and due to the Gulf crisis, all his tuition stopped suddenly. He was scared of what he would do now. But, later he became an advocate and was successful.

Nirmal says Corona was  like a nightmare for the world. Everyday when the ambulance came in his locality and they learnt of someone falling ill with the disease or someone passing away, he got frightened. He prayed to God to save him and his family from the dreaded disease. All sorts of negative thoughts came into his mind. However, he came out of it. He even distributed free rations to the needy and helped people.

Nirmal is inspired by the simplicity of Lal Bahadur Shashtri. He also considers his father as his role model. Whenever he thinks of his father he gets sentimental.

Nirmal believes education gives you confidence but experience gives you practical knowledge which is necessary to be successful in life.

Nirmal is inclined towards spirituality and in his free time he reads the Geeta and books by big poets. He also likes to go to a natural place and listen to the birds.

If he gets a chance to go back in a time machine Nirmal would go back to the time when his father was alive and spend more time with him.

Nirmal advises the newcomers that advocacy is a good profession but you must have your concepts clear in order to succeed in this line. Initially you must concentrate on gaining knowledge and not think about earning money. Money would come to you later. You must get updated with the latest rulings and changes in the laws.

Nirmal feels the youth of today has gone somewhat astray due to the influence of social media. He asks the youth to give some time to themselves and reflect. They must have patience and should not lose their temper.

Nirmal says you should always be positive and have faith in God.

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Nirmal Kumar Pandit, Lawyer, Udaipur

Watch inspiring story of Nirmal Kumar Pandit, Lawyer in Udaipur.