
Neha Sakka, a Female Electrical Engineer Who Feels That We Should Create Opportunities in Life to Grow at a Good Pace

Electrical Engineer, Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limitedjaipur

If you want to do anything in life, do not be scared to take risks. No matter where you are stuck, there is always a way and if there is not, create one.
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If you want to do anything in life, do not be scared to take risks. No matter where you are stuck, there is always a way and if there is not, create one.
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A vigorous, zealous and astonishingly creative personality, Neha Sakka is a woman of many talents. She has shown real courage and determination by battling all the difficulties in life and reaching where she is today.

Neha Sakka hails from Udaipur. Currently, she works as an electrical engineer at JVVNL, Jaipur. Along with that, Neha is also working on several innovative projects like floating solar panels and electricity free automatic cleaning of them. She is also taking initiatives to create Udaipur pollution free, by promoting electricity-powered vehicles. Along with all the technicalities, Neha has done a tremendous amount of social work in the field of women empowerment and child development. Neha also focuses on photography and video editing along with other artistic hobbies.

Neha is the first electrical engineer in her whole family and community along with being the first working woman. It was her grandfather’s dream to see her as an electrical engineer and she has not disappointed him. She successfully cleared the examination, and joined JVVNL three years ago, where she has grown a lot. Along with that she also aspires to become an international speaker from India who would represent women on a global level.

Neha feels that it is okay to make mistakes in life because mistakes are nothing but unwanted outputs to your efforts. One should not listen to the opinion of others and focus on what they want to do, and do it. Regardless of what the output is, one will always learn something from it.

Neha’s role model in life is her mother who has always been supportive of her actions and decisions in life. She says her mother is her ‘fighting yoddha’ who has modelled her to become what she is today. Her mother allowed her to make mistakes in life which helped her grow as a person.

Neha believes that what keeps her going everyday, is the fear of dying without the contentment of the heart, and without living at her extreme potential. She says it’s not at all easy to manage a nine-to-seven job along with all the other plans and daily chores but when you have an aim, everything becomes clear. She believes that no matter how hard a situation is, there is always a way, a solution to it, and if it’s not there, one must create it.

During the Pandemic, Neha started making videos and selling them. It was the first time that she earned in dollars but she had the skills, and she sold them wisely. She was very hesitant at first if she should make videos. She says self-doubt is the biggest enemy. Her mother was once again her knight in the shining armour, and motivated her to make videos and promote them. After writing hundreds of emails to different foreign companies, she successfully got the job. She says it’s all about creating opportunities when there are none around you, and one can easily see themselves growing.

One of Neha’s prominent achievements was getting the ‘Best Student Award’ from her college in 2015. She was going through a tough phase, where she had burned her leg and nothing was working for her, but when she got a call that she had been chosen for the award, she was very happy that all her consistent hard work had finally paid off. She thinks that there is always a threshold that one has to cross in order to achieve the desirable output. She started working hard again, day in and day out. After multiple failures once again, she was chosen to represent India at the International Women Summit. Neha opines that one will never get the output they desire until they are worth it, so they should be patient and keep working to make themselves capable enough of it.

Neha thinks that education has nowadays become a business. She thinks that we have lost the meaning of education. It has now become just a level of qualification that a person possesses. On the contrary, she believes it should be measured by the amount of experience a person has. For her, experience is the amount of education one holds. She urges everyone to educate themselves with experience and not with just a label of qualification.

Commenting on ‘Leaders are born, not made.’, Neha says everything can be made if it’s done by heart. She opines that a leader is the person who can efficiently combine ten different opinions and provide a single effective solution for all of them. She believes a leader is made by heart and by how he handles and respects different human beings altogether.

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Neha Sakka, Electrical Engineer & Social Media Influncer, Jaipur

Watch inspiring story of Neha Sakka, Electrical Engineer & Social Media Influncer in Jaipur.