
Mohit Maheshwari, Uplifting the Future Generations Through Career Counselling & Training New Physical and Digital Skills

Master Trainer & Founder, Sarthak Skillsudaipur

Success is a planned event and requires discipline.
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Success is a planned event and requires discipline.
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Mohit is a PMP-certified career coach and mentor. After gaining exposure to the IITs, he pursued his passion for training people and gradually turned it into a profession by founding his own soft and technological skills training company. Mohit advises young people to choose their careers based on their personalities, skills, and interests. He believes that discipline and planning are necessary for success.

Mohit Maheshwari is the founder and master trainer at Sarthak Skills in Udaipur. He is a PMP-certified career coach and mentor.

In Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Mohit was born and nurtured. He finished his education at Aligarh. He graduated from IIT BHU with a B.Tech in Chemical Engineering. Following that, he worked for several companies in the IT field. He is currently advising and teaching students on the latest digital and physical skills alongside counselling.

Mohit says that giving young people and kids these skills would help them lead meaningful lives in the future. In order to help the pupils comprehend the importance of money and how it should be used in society, he teaches them financial literacy. Given that technology is employed in every industry, he also teaches digital skills and coding. In his opinion, it is critical that kids understand technology as it helps them develop logical skills like creativity and problem-solving.

Furthermore, he imparts robotics skills, emphasizing that automation is the future and a fundamental understanding is crucial. However, his true passion lies in career advice. He believes that aligning one's job with their character or personality leads to success, and that education alone cannot determine one's profession.

Mohit states that a lack of exposure initially left him unaware of the IITs and their admission test. After high school, he registered for a B.Sc. degree with the intention of becoming a scientist. He first learned about the IITs during his B.Sc. studies and began preparing for their entrance exam upon seeing his peers getting ready for the IIT-JEE. However, he soon abandoned his preparation due to the test being in English, whereas he had been studying in Hindi.

But subsequently, after learning that the test could also be written in Hindi, he started studying again and was able to pass it the first time around. After completing the exam, he applied to IIT BHU's B.Tech. program in Chemical Engineering.

Speaking about his time at college, Mohit remarks that he was always a bright student. However, he began engaging in extracurricular activities in college, such as theatre, debate, singing, etc. He became well-liked by his classmates as a result, and he went on to lead the cultural club at his institution. Afterwards, during his last year of college, he was elected as the general secretary of the student union.

Mohit relocated to Bangalore after earning his engineering degree and began working for Wipro. He then worked for other major behemoths, including IBM, Siemens, Accenture, Huawei, and so on. He believed he should pursue another career after working in the corporate world for a while. He enjoyed teaching people soft skills, so he and his seniors decided to launch a soft skills training business. After effectively running the business for almost five years, they terminated their partnership because of certain problems.

After that, Mohit set off on his own, visiting several northern Indian places before relocating to Udaipur. After that, he founded his own soft skills training business. He began by instructing experts, then moved on to teach children robotics, computer programming, and soft skills. He also provides career coaching to help students older than 14 choose the best professional path.

Speaking about his difficulties, Mohit states that working in the software industry is not simple and that he had to go to other firms in Bangalore due to a pay increase. On the other hand, because he had a well-paying profession and a stable existence in Bangalore, going to north India to pursue his business dreams was extremely difficult for him. In addition, he encountered some difficulties in his commercial endeavours, persuading and educating individuals in a small city about technical skills and counselling.

Regarding his role models, Mohit looks up to his father. Having witnessed his father's highs and lows, he is always inspired to take action to secure his own income. In addition, he views his buddy Ankit Gupta as a role model who inspires him to learn new things and his wife as a constant source of positivity and motivation for him to succeed in life. In addition, he gains a lot of knowledge and inspiration from his other buddies, Devanand and Mukul. Furthermore, he asserts that you can find role models everywhere and even among vehicle drivers, so you don't always need to look up to famous people for inspiration.

Looking back on his early years, Mohit says he was an intelligent student. In both his tenth and twelfth board exams, he finished first in his district. In addition, he claims that because he was a bit of a rebel and would always do things his way, his parents would frequently reprimand him.

To ensure long-term survival, Mohit counsels young people to match their employment choices to their interests, talents, and personalities. He counsels against passing judgement on others, as each person is unique and behaves in accordance with their situation. He says, "Make yourself a better person."

Mohit believes that he was destined to be a leader since he has always tried to do things a little bit differently. In addition, he asserts that circumstances are what define a leader. He goes on to say that when you adopt a mindset of service to others, people will naturally begin to look up to you as their leader.

If he could travel back in time, he would want to start his business adventure earlier and adopt a more serious approach to life to be in a better position now.

Mohit believes that while education holds value, real-world experience becomes more significant when one truly applies the lessons learned from it. He argues that achieving success is a deliberate process that demands self-discipline in both personal and professional endeavors.

Mohit enjoys spending time by himself, helping his wife with cooking, and taking care of other domestic duties in his free time. He also attempts to instil Indian values in his children.

Looking back on his COVID experience, Mohit notes that despite all the bad things that happened during the pandemic, there was also a beneficial change in our lives. It showed us the value of our relationships and the true meaning of life. It also forced us to take a break from our hectic pace, reflect on our lives, and restart.

Mohit advises those looking to become career counsellors or trainers to improve their reading, listening, and learning skills, and to maintain an open-minded approach.

The song “Apne liye jiye toh kya jiye” motivates him, and he dedicates this song to everyone. He believes that your value in the world will be created only when the lives of other people become better because of you.

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View the Story of a Skills Trainer, Mohit Maheshwari | Certified Career Coach

Meet Mohit Maheshwari, founder and master trainer at Sarthak Skills, Udaipur. As a PMP-certified career coach and mentor, discover his journey into the skills training field.