Motivational Speakers

Kamalneet Singh, a TedX Speaker Making an Impact by Coaching Children for Life

Director, Promise Life Skillsnew delhi

It's important to recognize your priorities and make time for them.
It's important to recognize your priorities and make time for them.

Through his inspirational journey, Kamalneet has motivated thousands of students by speaking at hundreds of workshops and seminars.

Kamalneet Singh is a motivational speaker and educator. He has conducted hundreds of talks and workshops to motivate students.

Kamalneet was born and brought up in a joint family in Delhi. He went to a community school where the language of instruction was Hindi and Punjabi, and he could not learn how to speak English during his school education. He was not good at academics and was hesitant to speak in his class, even if he knew the answer.

When the time came to make a career choice, considering his shyness, everyone suggested he opt for a backend job. His teacher suggested CA, but as he was not good at maths, he did not accept the suggestion. His teacher then suggested hotel management, and though he did not know much about the field, he just went for it. He did his three-year graduation in hotel management from IHM Bangalore.

Kamalneet shares that his first job was as a chef in a hotel. But he had to face bullying from his chief chef. Once, when his chef instructed him to only cut and chop a sack of onions, his inner voice nagged at him that this was not what he was supposed to do in life. He realised that there were thousands of students who faced the same dilemma and could not make appropriate career choices. This drove him to study a lot about the subject. He also studied psychology and attended many seminars about motivation.

Kamalneet started working with school kids. Gradually, he established his name as a speaker and motivator. For the last ten years, he has been doing this and has addressed more than fifty thousand school and college students, teachers and principals, corporate executives, and other people. He has also delivered a few TED Talks. He is also writing a book on the subject. He says he has had a remarkable journey from knife to microphone.

When asked about his role model, Kamalneet says he has had many role models, and several people have inspired him in life. The foremost among them are his parents, who have always encouraged and supported him. He had a cousin who always shared his thoughts and guided him whenever he was confused. His cousin helped him develop the ability to take risks and chances in life. Besides, he got inspiration from several other prominent motivators by reading about them and listening to them.

If he gets a chance to travel back in time via a time machine, Kamalneet would like to relive his college days, which were great fun, according to him. He wishes he was more confident in his school days.

Talking about his hobbies, Kamalneet says he is addicted to reading books. He feels books have changed his life. He thinks reading books can make a big difference in your life.

Kamalneet says he was not a born leader but learned leadership through experience. He says he does not have many degrees, but he has a huge amount of experience.

Kamalneet’s success mantra is that you should know your priorities and find time for them. Whatever you do in life, it should make a difference. For things to change, you yourself have to change.

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Kamalneet Singh, Director at Promise Life Skills, New Delhi

Watch inspiring story of Kamalneet Singh, Director at Promise Life Skills in New Delhi.