Politics is about serving people and not about acquiring a position in society.
Politics is about serving people and not about acquiring a position in society.
Junaid Patel is a civil engineer and also a politician.
Junaid hails from the Bharuch district in Gujarat. He completed his formal education in Gujarat itself.
Talking about challenges in his life, Junaid says that his family had to face many challenges initially when his grandfather passed away. Besides, he says that despite hailing from a family of politicians, he had to start from scratch and work on the ground to win people's trust.
When asked about his role models, Junaid says that he considers Rahul Gandhi, an Indian politician, his role model, and inspiration. Besides, his father and late grandfather are his sources of inspiration.
Junaid thinks that he is a born leader but he refined his leadership qualities with experience only.
Sharing his views on education v/s experience, Junaid says that in life education is more important than experience and on the basis of our education we can do great things in life.
To aspiring politicians, Junaid advises them to wholeheartedly do social service and work hard to redress people’s problems. And if they do so sincerely, none can stop them from becoming a politician, he says.
Talking about his achievements, Junaid says that on his own merits, he acquired the top designation in Gujrat Youth Congress which is an achievement for him.
Even if he could go back in time via a Time Machine, Junaid would not change anything and still want to be a politician to serve people.
As a civil engineer, Junaid is mostly occupied at his construction sites, but he likes to play Cricket in whatever free time he gets. Besides, he likes to listen to Sufi songs and spend time with his family in his spare time.
Reviewing his COVID experience, Junaid says that the pandemic was a state of turmoil for everyone. He says, during the pandemic, he arranged for food, water, masks, sanitizer, and medicine for the needy. Besides, he thinks that the pandemic taught us the importance of our loved ones in our lives and also the importance of helping others.
To the youth, Junaid advises them to gain a good education and then do social service to serve people as he thinks that social service is the best way to know and learn about people from close.