The Power of Inspirational Personal and Brand Stories


Each and every one of us has a story, the story of our life, our struggles, our dreams, successes and failures, achievements, milestones reached, goals missed and many other things. These stories must not be kept hidden inside our hearts and minds. They must be told and heard.

Life stories can affect us and move us in many ways. Any story which is unique and relatable is always interesting. Whenever we hear the story of someone’s life journey, it stirs something inside us. It finds its way deep within us and toys with our feelings. A life-story has sadness, joy, empathy and motivation. It can light up our emotions. Hearing personal stories wakes you up and makes you realize one or two things about yourself.

Every story has a message. When a small businessperson, professional, entrepreneur or careerist tells us their life-story, it makes us see things from a different perspective. It motivates us. Sometimes it gives us the reason we need to believe in ourselves. We realize that if others can do this, so can we. When we read about the struggles people have gone through, it challenges our beliefs. We have this tendency of hanging around with people with the same beliefs as our own. We become used to everyone in our circle agreeing with our opinions and thoughts. This hampers our growth and we don’t even realize it. But, when we hear someone’s life-story and see things in a different light it shakes up our beliefs. People’s life-stories may make us realize flaws in our thinking. They may open up new vistas for us. The accounts may goad and encourage us to seek new knowledge and information about our own successes or failures. Biggest self-discoveries sometimes come after hearing someone’s life-story.

The exact opposite may happen sometimes. We may find better points which support our arguments about many things in life after listening to others’ stories. It may strengthen our beliefs. People may say that they gave up after trying their best, but we might find the inspiration for doing something.

It gives us a feeling of comfort and satisfaction when we come to know that almost everyone has gone through hard times. Everyone has had to start from scratch and build their lives brick by brick. This gives us a sense of satisfaction. Sometimes we realize that our struggle was so simple compared to that of others.

Life-stories motivate us. We come to know that people have done the impossible before and so we can also do it. Getting over personal setbacks, taking your start-up to success, progressing in your career or profession; it all may suddenly look possible when we hear about other people doing the same after overcoming their hardships and hurdles. Learning how people overcame the setbacks and the hard times and found success can be highly inspiring and encouraging.

People tell us what they would have done if given a chance to go back in time and change something. And, it is astonishing to read how a large number of people say that despite all the struggles and hardships they have faced, they would not change anything.

People share with us their dreams. The things they would have liked to do but could not do. This warns us that we must do the things we want to indulge in now, otherwise, life will fly by and we would only be left with regrets.

Life-stories may spring up new ideas for us. They might just ignite that tiny spark in our minds which may lead us to success. They might awaken new insights inside us. They may teach us many virtues like how dedication, commitment and hard work made people achieve success in their businesses or helped them climb the ladder in their careers.

This is the concept behind ‘Meri Kahani’- the life stories being shared and published on We are giving people an opportunity to tell us their stories and giving you a platform where you can hear the experiences small entrepreneurs, self-made men and women, and professionals have gone through. The amount of wisdom shared in these stories is huge. You must listen to how the setbacks changed people and encouraged them to strive more in life. You will also come to know of their regrets in life. Or, what would they change if given a chance to go back in time and change things.

You shall also come forward and must tell your story to the world. By doing so, you will help others and also yourself. Even if only one person benefits from hearing your story, it will be worth it.

Come, tell your story, is giving you that opportunity.

The Power of Inspirational Personal and Brand Stories - Insights and Thoughts - Workmob

Read our insights on why personal stories are a powerful way to inspire others and teach virtues like dedication, perseverance, commitment and hard work which help us achieve our goals and overcome failures.


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