Education & Academia

Girish Chandra Trivedi, a Physical Education and Yoga Teacher Whose Connection with Nature from a Young Age Inspired Him to Take Fitness as a Career

Physical Education & Yoga Teacher, G.S.S. Schooludaipur

Youths are the soul of the nation. They are a great asset as they are full of energy and innovative ideas.
Youths are the soul of the nation. They are a great asset as they are full of energy and innovative ideas.

Bravely facing the struggles in life, Girish didn't quit and has now carved out a fruitful career for himself in physical education.

Girish Trivedi is working as a Physical Education teacher, a Yoga teacher and an Associate NCC officer at GSS School at Badi in Udaipur.

Girish was born in Nagpur. His father was a doctor. Due to some family problems, he had to come to his village Intali in Semari tehsil in Rajasthan. He faced many hardships in his studies. After high school, he came to Udaipur and did B.Com. from B.N. College.

Girish says that after graduation, he did a B.P.Ed. course in Nagpur and then he got a job in Udaipur.

In his free time, Girish likes to take care of wounded stray animals. He calls the Animal Aid team for the treatment of those animals when required.

Regarding the importance of education and experience, Girish says that both are equally important in life.

When asked about role models in his life, Girish says that he considers his grandparents as his role models. They taught him to speak and read in English, and many other great things. He says he has also been inspired by many who came his way.

Girish is a true believer in Swami Vivekananda. He advises the youth of today to come forward and unite for the development of the nation.

For the aspirants of the physical education field, Girish advises them that they must take proper guidance and give the competitive exam and get better government services.

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Girish Chandra Trivedi, Physical Education & Yoga Teacher at G.S.S. School, Udaipur

Watch inspiring story of Girish Chandra Trivedi, Physical Education & Yoga Teacher at G.S.S. School in Udaipur.