Arts & Entertainment

Geetu Hinduja (Geetu Unplugged), a Singer Songwriter Who Channelled Her Love of Art & Music into a Fulfilling Career and Believes That Being Stubborn Has Worked for Her


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Endeavor to live your life in such a way that you don’t have any regrets when you leave this world.
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At an age when people tend to start planning their retirement, Geetu Hinduja took to Music full-fledged and since then there has been no looking back for her. She for sure is an inspiration in the sense that there’s no age to pursue what you want to.

Geetu Hinduja is a Mumbai-based Singer and Songwriter.

Geetu was born and raised in Mumbai. She received her entire formal education in Mumbai itself. After completing her school education, she went to JJ College of Arts to pursue Interior Designing.

Geetu shares that growing up she was a stubborn kid and would always make sure that she got what she wanted. She was a bright student and would top her classes. She says that though she was good at studies and liked Mathematics, she chose to pursue Arts as she had an artistic bent of mind from the beginning.

Geetu shares that she was married at a young age in a conservative Sindhi family. Hailing from a conservative family it was tough for her to go out and work. However, owing to her stubbornness she could get to do what she wanted to do. She started off as an Art Gallerist and pursued it for most of her life until 2014 when she realized that she wanted to be a musician.

Talking about her share of struggles, Geetu says that losing her younger sister who was only thirty-eight to breast cancer was the biggest misery of her life. Besides, at that time she also got divorced, and dealing with that was also a challenge for her.

Talking of Covid, Geetu says that during the pandemic she learned that she could manage everything all by herself. However, she says that it melted her to see people suffering during the pandemic, especially the underprivileged.

Geetu wishes that she had more wisdom at the time when she was the mother to her young daughters so that she could have been nicer and gentler in raising them.

In her spare time, Geetu likes to read books, do yoga, and swim. Besides, she also likes knitting and crocheting, and binge-watching on the OTT platforms.

Geetu is a big believer in Knowing Yourself. She says that knowing yourself is the biggest key to living a successful life.

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Geetu Hinduja (Geetu Unplugged), Singer & Songwriter , Mumbai

Watch inspiring story of Geetu Hinduja (Geetu Unplugged), Singer & Songwriter in Mumbai.