Live like when you die, people weep over you. And if you are alive, they crave your company.
Tap to unmute
Live like when you die, people weep over you. And if you are alive, they crave your company.
Khan had his schooling from local schools in the area. For his bachelor’s degree in Journalism, he moved to GDC Baramulla in 2016.
During and after his bachelor's, Khan contributed to several local and national media outlets.
He loves to listen to music and read poetry. Keeping himself updated on current happenings globally and reading nonfiction books is what Khan likes a lot.
Khan is a staunch believer in hard work and believes the same will work in the coming times.
For him, hard work is the key to success.
Covid has been catastrophic for the whole society. Covid induced lockdowns had been very taxing for Khan, but the purpose to clear the entrance exam kept him going during this phase of life.
He advises everyone to remember always ‘This too shall pass.’
He advises everyone to stay strong and be positive. Hope for the best. He mentions a quote: