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Enakshi Johri, an English Educator Utilising Her Spare Time in Book Writing & Reviewing to Seek the Self


Slow and steady gets you there and gets you in shape.
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Slow and steady gets you there and gets you in shape.
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Enakshi Johri is a Teacher and an Author who feels that it is as important to reach the destination as it is to enjoy the journey.

Enakshi Johri was born and brought up in Bareilly and after marriage moved to Bangalore.

Enakshi is a Teacher and teaches English to Middle and High school students. Apart from that, she is also an Author and Book Reviewer for Penguin Random House.

Enakshi says that she was not into this field from the beginning. She had done her Post-Graduation in Bio-Technology but then changed her path and followed her passion. She started writing Blogs on her website She shares that the journey has been difficult and fulfilling at the same time.

Enakshi says that her English teacher in school is her Role Model. She taught her in a different way and cultivated her interest in the language. The way she carried herself inspired Enakshi a lot.

Enakshi says that while in school she never came across many competitions in Literature. She feels that now the scenario is quite different and students have many different options to choose from.

She shares that success does not come easily to her. She always wanted to write a novel and it took her around five years to understand the process and refine herself. She edited three projects in order to understand Editing. After completing her book, Star-crossed, she was rejected by twenty-five publishers. Then she decided to take the route of self-publishing and now has two books to her name, Star-Crossed, and The Green Giants.

Enakshi advises aspirants in the field to respect the language and live it. It hurts her when she sees youngsters dismantling the orientation of the language and molding it on their own terms.

Enakshi feels that it was all about maintaining mental health during the pandemic. She fixed her working hours and the rest of the time she used to dedicate to herself.

In her free time, she likes sleeping to refresh herself. She also likes watching Television shows and listening to music.

She can be reached on her Instagram handle at @enakshijohari12.

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Enakshi Johri, Writer, Bangalore

Watch inspiring story of Enakshi Johri, Writer in Bangalore.