Education is crucial in life.
Education is crucial in life.
Dungar Singh is working as a Peon at Vidya Bhawan Polytechnic College.
Dungar is basically from the Kalighat village of Rajsamand district. After studying till fifth standard, he moved to Ahmedabad in search of work to provide for his family.
Dungar returned at the age of 22 years and joined Vidya Bhawan as a labourer and gradually progressed to become a permanent employee. Before joining the Vidya Bhawan institute, he did various jobs. He says that he initially wanted to join the army but couldn’t as family responsibilities got him to start working at a tender age.
Dungar likes singing bhajans and making future plans during his free time.
Sharing his times of struggle, Dungar says that he barely gets any time to be with his family as helpers in an institution are entrusted with numerous responsibilities. And talking about recent times, he says that he has suffered salary cuts due to some reasons. However his resilience keeps him going.