Hard work, dedication and patience are the three keys to excel in the medical profession.
Hard work, dedication and patience are the three keys to excel in the medical profession.
Dr Punit Kumar Singh is an Ophthalmologist by profession and has been an Associate Professor at Dr SN Medical College, Jodhpur for seven years now. He came into this profession inspired by his sister who is a Gynaecologist and his curiosity and fascination for the medical field also attracted him to choose this profession. He adds that his aversion to Mathematics also brought him closer to Biology. Punit shares that he got the perfect atmosphere at home to study which is required for a medical student.
Born and brought up in Jodhpur, he completed his schooling there and got himself enrolled in MBBS at SN Medical College, Jodhpur. He adds that the journey of becoming a doctor is not at all easy and one has to struggle and work hard to the fullest.
Talking about his struggles, Punit shares that his mother had a stroke and got paralyzed during his MBBS exams and he felt the responsibility on his shoulders. He lost his elder brother in 2004 when he had just begun his residency term.
Punit feels that his biggest achievement in life is to have the same mental peace and contentment in life even after achieving your goal. He feels proud to be working at the tertiary level in his medical college and maintaining his goodwill. Punit adds that he could not clear the interview round for the appointment as an Associate Professor in the first go and only in his second time, he could clear it.
Sharing his experience of the COVID days, Punit says that owing to the dearth of staff, he was given the duty to attend to Covid patients and lived in constant fear of bringing the virus home to his family members. He adds that there was no facility for vaccination for homebound people like his mother who was paralyzed and he couldn’t get her vaccinated, owing to which she contracted the virus. Punit also had to treat patients who had contracted Black Fungus owing to which some had to undergo eye removal surgeries, something which he had never performed before. He urges everyone to practice social distancing and wear double masks which are as effective as vaccination.
Ten years down the line, Punit would like to see himself as a reputed and respected Professor and see more and more patients establish that trust and faith in him. He also wishes his medical students to remember him as an inspiring teacher when they themselves become doctors.
According to Punit, a good leader is someone who is clear in his mind and is able to guide well. He believes that a leader’s personality should be able to influence others and possess honesty and a vision for his people. He adds that leaders should stand by their ethics and principles through all tests of time.
Punit feels that the mantra of life keeps changing on a day-to-day basis and one cannot achieve success with just a single mantra. He asserts that one should read a lot and increase your knowledge from time to time to apply that in adverse situations.
If Punit could time travel, he would like to revisit his school and college days and also like to relive his residency days.
He urges the youth to join the medical profession and experience the satisfaction of treating patients and relieving them of their pain. He adds that to be in this field, one ought to be patient, study a lot and understand that this journey will not always be rewarding. Punit adds that the youth should not come into this profession with the intention of earning money since it is likely to give you stress in the long run.
He advises everyone to live and let live and be easy on themselves and others.