Always work hard to achieve your goals.
Always work hard to achieve your goals.
Dr. Priyansh Mathur is a Microbiologist and Infection Control Officer at the GBH American Hospital.
Priyansh was born and brought up in Udaipur, Rajasthan. He did his education from Udaipur itself. He always wanted to become a doctor and it was his father’s wish too, so he chose this career.
His main job at the hospital is to detect and contain any kind of infection around the hospital premises and ensure maintenance of proper hygiene and sanitation among patients and the hospital staff.
During the pandemic, healthcare workers were overloaded with challenges and Dr. Priyansh was no different. He says that although there was a huge inflow of patients in the hospital, they did their job effectively and helped patients. On a personal level, Priyansh was sometimes not even able to go to his family due to fear of infection.
According to Dr. Priyansh, education and experience are both crucial in the doctor’s profession.
His role model is his late father who had done a lot of struggle in his life and taught his children to face problems head on.
Priyansh savours the company of his friends and family in his free time. He also likes outings.
Given a chance to relive his past, Priyansh would like to go back to his childhood and enjoy the sweet memories again.