Archaeology, Anthropology & History

Dr. Pradeep Chakravarthy, See the Story of History Expert Dr. Pradeep Chakravarthy | Behaviour Specialist and Writer


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Your biggest enemy is your own mind.
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Dr. Pradeep focuses on understanding history from the perspective of needs, especially for younger children, to foster in them a feeling of pride in India. He has published several books, including A Children's History of South India, and has completed his PhD in History at the age of 48.

Dr. Pradeep Chakravarthy is a Historian, Behaviourist and Author based in Chennai.

According to Dr. Pradeep, history tells us the tale of the past, and he is on a mission to alter people's perspectives. It covers the requirements of the prehistoric humans and how those demands were met. Therefore, in order to make history relevant, it is crucial to comprehend it from the standpoint of needs. Right now, he is compiling these details, particularly for the young kids. He claims that if young children don't understand how affluent our nation is, they won't grow up feeling proud of India.

Speaking about his accomplishments, Dr. Pradeep states that completing his PhD at the age of 48 is among his greatest successes. His first and second books about the Temples of Thanjavur and Varanasi are also his achievements. A Children's History of South India, his third book is something else he is pleased of. He conducted online lessons for kids during the lockdown, and about 300 youngsters showed up for one session.

Dr. Pradeep says he was fortunate enough to attend The School KFI, a completely different kind of institution in Chennai. He studied at the London School of Economics and the Jawaharlal Nehru University after that. He has just finished his doctorate in History from Madras University.

Dr. Pradeep reveals that his interest in history stems from his early days. The little village where his maternal grandparents lived was not marked on any map at the time. He values that location as his grandparents' home has been in his family for five generations. He discovered many things there with strong ties to their family history. He recalls seeing the words "I Hate Maths" scrawled in an ancestor's notepad. At that moment, he recognised that while the circumstances and setting may change, the necessities remain the same despite the differences in mood. This caused him to view history from a different angle.

Dr. Pradeep states that a variety of role models, including his professors at school, college, and university, inspired him. His parents are a major source of inspiration for him as well. He thinks that inspiration may be found anywhere, if you look hard enough.

One of his favourite quotes comes from a Buddhist scripture and asserts that there is just one distinction between foolish people and smart ones. While the foolish people make no consideration at all, the smart ones consider their options thoroughly. The second quotation reads, "If consciousness is pleasant, the world is pleasant to us as well; if consciousness is vicious, the world is vicious to us." Thus, before attempting to alter the world around us, it is crucial to observe oneself, he believes.

Dr. Pradeep says that his challenges include teaching. When he was writing, he had a lot of issues at home and needed a peaceful place to write. Every day, he starts his day by writing down three or four things for which he is thankful while sitting in the pooja room. He makes an effort to accept the issues and move on, never giving up easily. He thinks that practising self-awareness, making a gratitude list, and surrounding oneself with good people are the best strategies to get through challenging circumstances.

Dr. Pradeep tells prospective students that the field of history has a lot of opportunities these days. It's critical to relate to and establish connections with people in order to understand history. Making things relevant to people is also essential to making them feel like they belong. He counsels the young people to be more patient and not give up too quickly because amazing things take time to accomplish.

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See the Story of History Expert Dr. Pradeep Chakravarthy | Behaviour Specialist and Writer

Get to Know about a Historian, Behaviourist, and Author from Chennai, Dr. Pradeep Chakravarthy. He focuses on understanding history from the perspective of needs. He has also published several books.