Social Work

Dr. Neeta Mehta, Woman Entrepreneur Empowering Other Women Entrepreneurs with a Platform

Secretary at Women's Chamber of Commerce & Co-Owner, NMG Abrasives & Navrang Marbles and Granitesudaipur

Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.
Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.

Co-founder of an abrasives and marble and granite business, Dr. Neeta balanced professional and personal challenges and went on to complete her PhD. As Secretary of the Women's Chamber of Commerce, she advocates women's education, financial independence, and skill development.

Originally from Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Neeta Mehta is an entrepreneur based in Udaipur. She is a co-founder of her companies NMG Abrasives and Navrang Marbles and Granites.

Dr. Neeta shares that despite lacking interest in Biology, she was inspired by a friend of her grandfather's who held a doctor in his name, which sparked her interest in pursuing higher education and doing a PhD in order to get the prefix ‘Dr’ added before her name.

Dr. Neeta credits her mother and sister for playing important roles in her life. Her sister provided unconditional support throughout her life's journey, encouraging her through various challenges. Her mother, always a source of inspiration, pursued an MSc in as early as 1973, despite societal norms restricting women from doing higher studies and working, imparting valuable lessons on resilience and family management.

Dr. Neeta was born in 1976 and completed her secondary education in 1992, an era where academic achievements held great significance. She attributes her success to the supportive educational environment she experienced during those years. Reflecting on her upbringing, she appreciates her family's encouragement to participate in events. Having the freedom to roam on her Kinetic bike, she always thanked her family for that trust and freedom, and she used that freedom responsibly. Neeta cherishes her school group, which is still active, and they annually explore different parts of India and are planning to visit Rishikesh this year. She gives an example of a rider from Kolkata, who on a journey to explore India came to Udaipur on Women's Day, illustrating the importance of pursuing one's desires to live a joyful life.

Dr. Neeta Mehta ventured into entrepreneurship with a screen printing business. Although she managed this business alongside her MSc studies for a year, her engagement prompted her to focus on registering for a PhD. She faced numerous challenges during her doctoral studies, including skepticism from her professor regarding her commitment due to marital responsibilities and the birth of her daughter. With immense gratitude towards her supportive family and the blessings of elders, she successfully completed her PhD.

Dr. Neeta highlights the disparity between Indian families' perception of goddesses and their reluctance to support daughters-in-law in pursuing careers. Anticipating joining the family business over time, she co-founded NMG Abrasives in 2000 with her husband, focusing on finance and minimizing costs to sustain their industry presence. Her entrepreneurial journey empowered her, enabling her to broaden her business with the knowledge of finance to transition into sales, marketing, costing, and production.

Currently serving as Secretary of the Women's Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Neeta reflects on the evolving role of women in business over the past 20 years and hopes for more progress in the future. She takes pride in her daughter's achievements as a softball champion for the Rajasthan Softball team, emphasizing the importance of education and financial independence for women. Dr. Neeta Mehta encourages women to leverage their interests and skills effectively, advocating financial independence and personal accomplishments. She encourages women to pursue their interests passionately, suggesting avenues like YouTube for sharing skills and achieving financial freedom through hard work.

She highlights the value of financial planning, evident even during the Covid lockdowns when housewives' savings surprised their families with their substantial contributions. Her advocacy helps in the empowerment of women through education, skill development, and strategic use of time and resources.

In terms of business, Dr. Neeta Mehta explains that her company specializes in formula-based abrasives, producing standardized products with fixed specifications and formulas. Credit for these formulas goes to her husband, who used his extensive knowledge of chemistry and years of testing to expand their product line into chemicals. Through their business journey, they have encountered significant challenges, particularly with self-funding and navigating risks as a middle-class enterprise. Dr. Neeta Mehta acknowledges her husband's calculated risk-taking, which has been instrumental in managing their finances while prioritizing family responsibilities. The evolution of NMG Abrasives into a recognised brand stands as a major achievement for them.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Neeta faced personal loss with the death of her father-in-law, who had a job, while her husband had the ambition of starting a business. Her mother and husband also contracted the disease. Despite the challenges, they found the joy of spending quality time together at home, engaging in activities like games, cooking, and dancing. Dr. Neeta, an avid traveler and shopping lover, found the lockdown disheartening. However, she remained committed to supporting the factory workers by providing complete rations and food supplies. She and her husband, at their peak, donated food for daily wage earners and came forward to help them in COVID. She also conducted industry webinars in COVID to share knowledge during this period.

Dr. Neeta emphasizes that the pandemic has provided an opportunity for people to reflect deeply on the significance of nurturing relationships. In COVID, she had started writing poetry, expressing profound sentiments about human connections and the value of emotional bonds. Her advice resonates with the importance of humility and understanding, urging people to avoid letting their egos affect their relationships. Dr. Neeta believes that making strong, supportive bonds with loved ones is essential for navigating life's challenges and finding fulfillment. As a woman, even though she is working, she always tries to manage her relationships with her loved ones.

When asked about one thing she would like to change from her past if she gets a chance to revisit it with the help of a time machine, Dr. Neeta says she would like to enjoy more of her daughter's childhood. Due to her professional responsibilities and medical issues, she couldn't enjoy her daughter's early years as much as she would have liked. However, she expresses great love for her daughter today and prefers spending quality time with her family over socializing at kitty parties.

To relieve stress, Dr. Mehta often takes time off from business to spend moments with herself. During the lockdown, while her husband was COVID-positive, she took her daughter to a singing competition semi-final, finding joy and stress relief in her daughter's performance.

Once while traveling, she bought a book by Shiv Khera, ‘Jeet Aapki’, which has always inspired her with the line, “Winners don’t do different things; they do things differently.” She advises people from different religions to always trust in God with good intentions.

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View the Video Story of Co- Founder of an Abrasives Company Dr. Neeta Mehta | Entrepreneur

Discover the story of Dr. Neeta Mehta, from managing a screen printing business to co-founding NMG Abrasives & Navrang Marbles. Learn how she balances professional and personal life.