Arts & Entertainment

Dr. Kushal Dasgupta, a Guinness India and Asia Record Holder & Award Winning Filmmaker Who Believes Life is a Journey Full of Explorations

andhra pradesh

Life is a journey full of passion, just march on and you will be successful.
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Life is a journey full of passion, just march on and you will be successful.
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An award-winning filmmaker, Kushal has been happily pursuing his passion for filmmaking by turning it into his profession and has been able to make his own identity as a filmmaker.

Dr. Kushal Das Gupta is an award-winning filmmaker. Besides, he is a photographer, videographer, short-film and documentary maker, and music composer.

Kushal originally hails from Siliguri, a small town in West Bengal. But for the past seventeen years, he has settled with his family in Andhra Pradesh.

Kushal shares that at his school, there was a cinematography club that he wanted to get into. However, he could not get into it. But his passion for photography and videography kept building. His father was also a photojournalist and he thinks that he inherited his love for the camera from his father.

Besides, he shares that after completing his schooling, not choosing the conventional career paths like engineering, medicine, etc., he chose to follow his passion and became a cinematographer. His father, brother, and friends all supported him in following his dreams. He says that his first DSLR camera was given to him by one of his friends in college. He thus started clicking pictures with his camera and also won many awards for his photographs. Later, he took to videography and video editing. After that, learning the nuances of filmmaking, he started making short films and documentaries.

When asked about his role models, Kushal says that he considers his elder brother, his role model, and inspiration. He also made a documentary named Incredible Inside on his brother to showcase his zeal to live life despite being a differently-abled person. Besides, he also acknowledges the support that he received from his parents in his endeavors.

Talking about his challenges, Kushal says that not getting into his school’s filmmaking club was a setback for him. However, he took it positively and was determined to prove to people that he could also be a filmmaker. Besides, finding the right locations convenient for his brother for making a documentary on him was also quite challenging for him. Furthermore, some of his relatives also doubted him for his career choice.

To the youth of today, Kushal’s message is to always think out of the box and do things differently. Besides, he advises them to be grateful to their family members and friends.

His Success Mantra is to do whatever he does with his full passion and give his one hundred percent to it to become successful.

To aspiring filmmakers, Kushal advises them to be really passionate and zealous about filmmaking as it’s an emerging field. Besides, he advises them to be creative and also to pursue creative courses to learn filmmaking better.

Kushal thinks that both education and experience are important in life. He says that if you have a good education, you can get a good job. He advises people not to forsake education to follow their passion.

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Dr. Kushal Dasgupta, Film Maker & Director, Andra Pradesh

Watch inspiring story of Dr. Kushal Dasgupta, Film Maker & Director in Andra Pradesh.