Education & Academia

Dr. Amit Jain, Vice Chancellor of a Prestigious University Striving to Provide Top-Notch Placements and Excellent Education

President & Vice Chancellor, Amity University-Rajasthanjaipur

Education is the key to unlocking success.
Education is the key to unlocking success.

Dr. Amit has had a remarkable career from the corporate world to academia, marked by numerous achievements and accolades. As the VC of a prestigious institution, his vision is to provide world-class education to his students. With a strong belief in the power of education and continuous learning, he encourages students to consider entrepreneurship and contribute to India's development.

Dr. Amit Jain currently heads Amity University Rajasthan as its Vice-Chancellor.

He has been associated with the university for almost five years. Previously, he held the position of Pro Vice-Chancellor. For the last one and a half years, he has been leading the university in his role as Vice-Chancellor.

Dr. Amit shares that his inspiration for entering the education field stems from his school days. He excelled in academics and actively participated in public speaking, debate competitions, and extempore competitions. Additionally, he had a passion for writing poetry. His inclination towards the stage, the joy of interacting with people, delivering lectures, counseling, and helping individuals build successful careers motivated him to pursue a career in education.

Dr. Amit mentions that Amity University Rajasthan is a leading private university in the state, accredited with an A+ grade by NAAC. The university has achieved a commendable score of 3.31 out of 4 in the accreditation cycle. Amity University Rajasthan comprises 17 different schools, offering programs in diverse domains such as Management, Law, Hospitality, Fashion Design, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Microbial Technology, Biotechnology, and various other contemporary programs. Currently, the university provides courses in around 80 different programs. Dr. Amit emphasizes that Amity University is dedicated to delivering top-notch placements and ensuring high-quality education for its students.

Dr. Amit highlights that Amity University stands out with some unique features in its education system. Every Amity student is required to learn one foreign language, with options including French, German, Spanish, and Chinese. Additionally, a compulsory course in Behavioral Science is designed to equip students with leadership skills, fostering in them team-building abilities, and prepare them for successful careers. Special emphasis is given to communication skills, with a dedicated course offered to every student each semester. Dr. Amit underlines that Amity is distinctive in offering every student the opportunity to pursue a minor specialization, allowing students to complement their major field with a minor in areas like management, visual graphics, and more.

Dr. Amit emphasizes Amity University's commitment to nurturing global citizens and ensuring excellent employability for their graduates. The university places a strong emphasis on developing entrepreneurial skills and has established an innovation incubator. This facility serves as a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs, providing them with mentoring and support to foster their innovative ideas and ventures.

When asked about what inspires him, Dr. Amit says that he is Inspired by Swami Vivekananda's life and teachings, he finds motivation in the remarkable achievements and profound impact Swami Vivekananda made at an early age.

Completing his school education in Ratlam, a small town in Madhya Pradesh, Amit excelled as a district topper in class 10. Motivated by his success, he pursued science in 11th and 12th with the aspiration to enter the field of medicine. However, facing challenges in the entrance exam, he shifted to commerce. Later, he earned his B.Com degree from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore. He then pursued an MBA with a specialization in Marketing and IT.

Amit's career took off when he became the first from his batch to secure a position in CMC Limited, Mumbai, a top IT company under the government of India. Despite the achievement, he soon realized that this wasn't his true passion.

Driven by a passion for guiding and helping individuals in building their careers, Dr. Amit transitioned to the field of academia, starting a journey of nearly 23 years. Beginning as a college lecturer, he progressed through various roles such as assistant professor, associate professor, professor, director, dean, pro vice-chancellor, and currently holds the position of vice-chancellor.

Inspired by the words of Swami Vivekananda, Dr. Amit finds motivation in the quote, "Take risks in life. If you succeed, you can lead. If you fail, you can guide." He reflects on how embracing risks in his career has led to positive outcomes, and he encourages young individuals to do the same.

Reflecting on his struggles, Dr. Amit emphasizes that people often only witness your success when you reach the top, without realizing the challenges faced. He acknowledges his initial aspiration to become a doctor, which did not happen, but he is happy to have achieved a different kind of ‘doctorate’ through earning a Ph.D. in Management. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a resilient attitude and never giving up, regardless of the obstacles encountered on the path to one's goals.

Expressing his perspective, Dr. Amit asserts that failure is an inherent part of life, serving as valuable opportunities for learning and growth. He believes that individuals who can extract lessons from their failures are destined to achieve success in the long run.

Dr. Amit advises Amity students to prioritize skill development, emphasizing that skills serve as valuable assets in a competitive world. He encourages students to engage in continuous learning, aiming to acquire new skills, abilities and capabilities regularly, envisioning significant growth over time.

He underscores the importance of continual improvement, suggesting that a 1% daily enhancement can lead to remarkable growth over time. He urges individuals to prioritize learning and skill development while emphasizing the significance of team-building and interpersonal skills. Dr. Amit highlights that effective collaboration and leadership within a team are crucial in any organizational or corporate setting.

When asked what has been more valuable to him, education or experience, Dr. Amit expresses the belief that both education and experience hold value in his career. He draws an analogy, likening education to a driving license. Obtaining a license, he notes, doesn't guarantee driving skills; these skills develop through hands-on experience and practice.

As an academician and educationist, Dr. Amit emphasizes his strong belief in the power of education. He acknowledges that education has played a crucial role in providing him with the opportunities he sought in life. He underscores that while education is key to success, one also needs to develop skills and capabilities, which often stem from experiences and learning from failures.

Sharing his achievements, he says that he has gained a lot of achievements by now. Recently he was awarded as the ‘Education Leader of the Year’ by Edunow, Eduworld, media and several other organizations. He says that there have been several accolades, much recognition and a lot of successes that he has seen but he always believes in staying grounded and learning from his experience and growing further in life.

In his message to the youth of the nation, Dr. Amit identifies two distinct audiences. First, addressing the young colleagues entering academics, he emphasizes the need for educators to concentrate on five essential abilities beyond teaching. These include training, research, consulting, and academic administration, as each aspect plays a crucial role in shaping a well-rounded educator. For students, his advice centers on developing team-building skills, effective communication, and leadership abilities, underlining the importance of these qualities in their academic and professional life.

In his message to the students, Dr. Amit encourages them to consider entrepreneurship as India moves towards becoming a top global economy. He advises students to start early, work on innovative ideas, and focus on meeting market needs. According to him, the key to success in entrepreneurship lies in addressing the requirements of the market.

In conclusion, Dr. Amit encourages students to explore entrepreneurship, emphasizing that the vast market of 1.4 billion people in India presents numerous opportunities. He believes that addressing unmet needs in the market can lead to innovative business ideas and even the creation of new unicorns. With a focus on education, skills, and continuous learning, he urges the youth to take up the challenge of entrepreneurship and contribute to the country's journey towards becoming one of the top-three economies of the world.

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See the Video Story of Dr. Amit Jain | Vice Chancellor | Academic and Administrator

Explore Dr. Amit Jain's story from Assistant Professor to Vice Chancellor, showcasing continuous learning at Amity University, Rajasthan. Amit Prioritizes education, skills, and growth in life.