Music & Dance Academies

Dr. Ajit Kumar Jain, an Educationist Giving Free Music Lessons with the Aim to Empower Fellow Specially-Abled Kids

Music Educator & Owner, Anurag Sangeet Sansthanjaipur

When you do good to others, it comes back to you in unexpected ways.
When you do good to others, it comes back to you in unexpected ways.

Dr Ajit Jain has been running the Anurag Sangeet Sansthan in Jaipur since 1975 for normal kids as well as for the visually impaired ones.

Dr Ajit gives free music lessons to the students and derives immense happiness and satisfaction from his work. He has been organising numerous competitions for the last 29 years to build confidence and skills in the students. He claims a total of six thousand students have benefitted from such programs and competitions that he has organised on a national level. He feels proud that, on the basis of certificates provided by his institution,  many of his students have earned jobs in the government and private sectors and are doing well.

Being a visually impaired person himself, Dr Ajit feels empowered to help fellow visually impaired people. He is a double MA in Sociology and Music, respectively. After completing an MA in Sociology, he tried for government jobs but couldn’t get any. Then he did an MA in Music but still couldn’t gather any luck. He then decided to start something of his own and help fellow visually impaired kids and adults in building a life of their own.

Thus came into existence the Anurag Sangeet Sansthan in 1975, which is a government registered organisation. Dr Ajit’s dream is that the institution may someday get its own building equipped with residential facilities for the students. Dr Ajit has believed in the saying, “When one door closes, another opens”, and followed it as his life and success mantra.

Dr Ajit feels grateful to have a wonderful and supportive family, kids, parents, siblings, and students. He feels empowered to help others lead a happy life and wants society to treat the visually impaired with respect and equality.

Talking of accolades, Dr Ajit has a long list. He received the National Award in 1981, was honoured by the then Rajasthan Governor in 1984, then in 1987, he was awarded for social contributions by the PM of India. In 1992 he was honoured as the Best Citizen by Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, he received a State Award for Social Work in 1999, he shared the Best Couple Award with his wife in 2000, and in 2013 the UP Governor honoured him for his contributions. Currently, he is serving as an executive member in the West Zone Cultural Centre. He also completed his PhD in 2004.

Dr Ajit says that many visually impaired individuals are working at high positions in banks and other sectors. Thus, one should never lose hope. He believes that due to technological advancements, nothing is impossible in today’s world. Each one, irrespective of their shortcomings can educate themselves and develop certain skill-sets.

Apart from music, Dr Ajit loves to travel, play chess, eat great food, and dress up. He also likes to contribute to social work and eradicate the pains of others. He misses his days spent at the Ajmer Blind School when he had a  great time with his friends and under the guidance of great teachers.

He advises the youth and kids to respect elders, be honest, follow the principles and morals taught by their parents and teachers, follow the right path, and always be responsible towards their family, work, and society.

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Dr. Ajit Kumar Jain, Owner of Anurag Sangeet Sansthan, Jaipur

Watch inspiring story of Dr. Ajit Kumar Jain, Owner of Anurag Sangeet Sansthan in Jaipur.