Arts & Entertainment

Deepika Goyal, a Passionate Writer & Social Media Strategist Who Believes in Mastering Your Passion for Building Public Trust


A girl with dreams is ready to fly on her wings.
A girl with dreams is ready to fly on her wings.

Deepika Goyal is a freelance writer delving into her pool of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and knowledge and weaving stories and poetry through her creativity.

Deepika Goyal loves to write and pen down her thoughts on paper or social media. She hails from Kota, Rajasthan, and works as a Social Media Strategist and Freelance Writer. Deepika has been working in this field for the last two years.

Deepika did her schooling from Kota and completed her graduation from Udaipur. She is an Engineer by degree but a Writer by profession and passion.

Deepika had a fun-loving childhood in the nineties. She once bunked her class and was caught by her elder sister. That is one of her sweet and sour memories of childhood.

Deepika believes that exploring your passion and working on it makes it easier to convince your friends and family about it. She believes in doing things herself and then proving her capabilities to others.

A quote that inspires her to try new things is. “Do everything you can, at every time you can, at everywhere you can.” Deepika wants to explore everything that’s on her bucket list.

Deepika thinks that Education is about getting knowledge and exploring a specific field. It is about knowing yourself, your challenges, and your career. However, accepting all of these and facing them in real life brings Experience.

During Covid, Deepika was busy with her new job and had no time to cook or have fun. She felt at peace doing her job. Moreover, she felt that Covid reminded everyone of their willpower and mental strength.

Deepika advises the youth to explore their interests and follow their path accordingly. She advises them to be grateful for their education and job and never take it for granted.

Deepika reads her writings and talks to herself for introspection when free.

Deepika is content and satisfied with her past and feels that challenges are an inevitable part of life. Thus, even if she gets a Time Machine, she would not like to go back into the past and change it.

Deepika gains inspiration and motivation from one of her teachers in Udaipur, her elder sister, and one friend. Moreover, the song “Ek Bagal Mein Chand Hoga” by Piyush Mishra is her all-time motivation.

Deepika’s favourite quote that she shares is, “Take time to impress someone by your abilities and skills, but make sure that someone is you.”

Deepika is an optimistic soul who believes that a positive mindset will reap successful results.

Aapki Digital Pehchan

Made with  heart  in Bharat

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Deepika Goyal, Writer , Kota

Watch inspiring story of Deepika Goyal, Writer in Kota.