Education & Academia

Chandni Jain, a Professional Educator Who Believes in Teaching By Ensuring That Her Students Fully Grasp the Right Concepts

Co-Founder, Tortoise Learning Solutionsludhiana

Staying happy always will help you sail through the toughest of times in life and if you're happy then you make others around you happy too.
Staying happy always will help you sail through the toughest of times in life and if you're happy then you make others around you happy too.

Chandni Jain is from Ludhiana. She has completed all her education from Ludhiana only. She has done B.Com and M.Com. Also, Chandni has done a professional degree in CS. She is the co-founder of Tortoise Learning Solutions.

In Tortoise Learning Solutions, they guide both students and parents.

They counsel the parents who want to know how to teach their kids, and we provide students with education in various fields, be it science, commerce, or arts.

As she is from Ludhiana, her childhood memories are also from Ludhiana. She was very naughty in her childhood. Her father used to take them on so many outings. She has memories related to many different places and used to do a lot of fun with her sister and brother.

She also used to dance Bhangra in front of teachers and then used to sit. Teachers were also used to being happy to see them.

She has done CS, which is a professional degree. It’s a Company Secretary degree. To do this course, first of all, you need to learn time-management. To clear it in the first attempt, you need to manage time thoroughly to study all the subjects. Along with that, self-study is also essential. After tuitions, you have to devote time on your own so that you can understand everything.

Secondly, in Tortoise Learning Centre, they don’t focus on cramming things, but they provide deep knowledge of all concepts and also the reason behind those concepts.

For those who want to come into this field, for them time-management is extremely important. They need to understand how to finish a course at a particular time. Next, you need to do self-study to understand the concepts well and further to make others understand them too.

For those who want to join this field as a teacher must focus on Quality rather than Quantity. Only completion of the course should not be the focus of a teacher, but to provide deep knowledge of the concepts.

It develops a mental setup so that they get to know what they would be doing by just looking at the heading of a concept.  And also, practical knowledge is important for the kids.

For her, education is supreme. From education, we get knowledge, and our future depends on that.

After getting good education, we can make our future in that, and even we can do so many things dependent on that.

But we can also not ignore experience. Experience helps us to further improve our knowledge. Apart from education, during school time, she used to participate in sports like athletics and basketball.

She is a National Level Player as well. Chandni likes playing basketball a lot.

She is a teacher by profession, and she is very much satisfied with that.If given a chance to go back in time, she would love to be a basketball player the next time. She had to leave it in school because of her education.

Always to be happy, whatever be the situation. Keep on spreading the happiness. Because if we stay happy, then we can make our surrounding happy too and can handle any situation well.

She has many favorite songs as she loves to listen to songs. But she mainly prefers Punjabi songs. Tortoise Learning Solution is an online platform where they guide both parents and students.

Your child can join our center when he is young, and till the time he grows up, he can learn everything in this center.

In younger classes, they teach reading, writing, speaking skills, etc. And as they grow up, they learn Mathematics, Science, English, and many other subjects.

They also teach coding and other extra-curricular activities.

Apart from that, they conduct separate sessions to guide parents. These online sessions help parents to overcome their problems related to their kids, and kids can then study better. So, they improve the base of your child through education. Plus, as students move to higher grades, they face more challenges than just gaining an education.

They provide them sessions to beat the stress and manage their exams well.

If you will hear clearly about our center’s name, it is Tortoise Learning Solutions. It means it is more than Learning. They improve the mental ability of students and also their skills. All this is done by keeping a special focus on individual children. The coursework speed keeps on changing as per the students. They also provide basic skills, life skills, moral values to live in this society. All this is provided to you and your kids through Online Sessions.

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Chandni Jain, Co-Founder of Tortoise Learning Solutions, Ludhiana

Watch inspiring story of Chandni Jain, Co-Founder of Tortoise Learning Solutions in Ludhiana.