Hard work and relentless efforts are the two ingredients of learning something new and then becoming adept at it.
Hard work and relentless efforts are the two ingredients of learning something new and then becoming adept at it.
Arun Raju is an Architecture Photographer based in Udaipur.
Arun hails from a small village in Kerala. He received his school and college education in his village itself. He did a BA in Literature.
After completing his BA, he came to Udaipur in search of a job. He joined as an intern for three months at a photography studio run by one of his relatives. There he learned the nuances of Photography and today he is a full-time Architecture Photographer at the studio.
Talking about challenges he faced, Arun says that when he came to Udaipur he had to face cultural and linguistic challenges. He didn't know how to speak Hindi and owing to that he faced problems initiating conversations with the locals. But he worked hard and could improve his Hindi communication skills a bit. Besides, he would also have to juggle his job and Photography courses. After working in the day, his nights would be spent learning about Video Editing and Photography.
Arun thinks that to learn something new one should be humble enough to accept that one doesn't know that thing. He too identified his shortcomings first and then worked to improve upon them.
In his spare time, Arun likes to watch inspirational movies and listen to motivational speeches on the Internet. Besides, he also likes to read books.
To aspiring architecture photographers, Arun advises them to read about Architecture Photography as much as they can. Besides, he adds that before doing Architecture Photography of a property, they should understand the vision of the architect behind designing that property. Furthermore, he says that they ought to learn Photography by working under experienced architecture photographers.
To the youth of today, Arun’s message is that to follow your passion you don’t need money but a zeal to pursue that. And with zealous efforts you can convert your passion into your profession too.
In future, Arun aspires to become a nationally known Architecture Photographer.