Success is about leaving your footprints behind and carrying forward your legacy for people to remember you.
Success is about leaving your footprints behind and carrying forward your legacy for people to remember you.
Anshu Malika Roja Selvamani is a programmer and entrepreneur.
Anshu started her journey at the age of twelve. She contributes her company’s profits for mental health related programmes and gives jobs to underprivileged people.
Anshu hails from Chennai. She says that her parents are celebrities. They got a lot of fame which influenced her to do something big in life.
Anshu says that as a kid, she was always bullied and abused. People also tried to take advantage of her. The surge of her aggression made her a writer.
Talking about her role models, Anshu says she considers Elon Musk as her role model for his work ethics and principles.
Anshu likes to play piano and sing songs in her spare time. She also has an interest in music and sometimes she does painting too.
Advising the youth, Anshu says that today’s India has immense potential for digital revolution and so it has a bright future ahead. Also, she says that our country is supporting new entrepreneurs in several ways by providing amenities and facilities to them.