Travel & Hospitality

Ankit Llamba, Offering a Slice of Paradise in Nainital at His Charming Cottages and Homestays

Director, Ceedar Cottagesnainital

If you work on something for quite a long time and still things don’t fall into place, then instead of giving up and ruining your life, you should move on!
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If you work on something for quite a long time and still things don’t fall into place, then instead of giving up and ruining your life, you should move on!
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Ankit Lamba moved to Nainital from Delhi. He is living a simple and peaceful life there. He has his own restaurants and homestays in Nainital. Besides, he is a foster father to four pet dogs.

Ankit was born in Jammu and raised in Delhi. He was a pampered kid. His family moved between Noida and Delhi quite a lot when he was young.

Talking about his childhood, Ankit says that he was a shy kid. He would trouble his sister a lot. He shares one incident. When he got a new bicycle, he took his sister on a bicycle ride. His sister’s leg got stuck in the bicycle's wheel and she got injured. She had to be bedrideen for a month. Instead of accepting his fault he took it lightly.

Ankit struggled with his career. He hopped from one profession to another. He was a media student. He was also a certified audio-visual technologist. He assisted in his family’s business. He also followed his passion for photography for eight years. He ran his own company by the name Click Sutra.

Ankit shares that his company Click Sutra was doing good. But did not have proper financial planning and owing to that it could not keep itself afloat. He learnt a lot from his experiences. He says that it taught him patience and consistency. He shares that you should only pursue what your heart says and where it lies otherwise you may not succeed in it.

Ankit used to take inspiration from comic superheroes. He says that these comic superheroes had superpowers and it would motivate him a lot.

Talking about his achievements in life, Ankit says that he got appreciation from people for his photographs. He ranked in good positions in many photography competitions in Delhi and other parts of the country. His family also appreciated his work and he considers it as his achievement. He also did wedding photography for eight years and learnt a lot from his experiences and mistakes. Later he realised that he was more of a travel photographer.

To anyone who wants to be a photographer, Ankit advises that you don’t need to buy fancy gear right away to start photography. You should first explore photography by learning it the hard way. Besides, you should learn photography under someone before venturing out on your own. Furthermore, he also advises that you should let things go and move on if they don’t work even after working hard.

During Covid, Ankit got to spend time and reconnect with his family. It was a mixed experience for him. On the professional front, his work got affected. He had to shut down his restaurant and his home stays were unoccupied. He shares that later things started to pick up gradually but only to be hit again by the second wave of the pandemic. He also lost a family member to the pandemic. It all took a toll on his mental health.

If Ankit could go back in time, he would want to relive and enjoy his childhood. He would want to meet his grandparents. Though, he would not want to change anything as he believes that whatever he is today, it is because of his past only.

During his free time, he likes to pet his dogs. He likes to do kitchen gardening. He also likes to meditate and work out.

Ankit doesn’t have a success mantra as such. He believes that if you’re physically and mentally fit, you can achieve everything. Besides, he thinks leading a disciplined life and not going to the extremes helps you live a balanced and happy life.

Ankit advises the younger generation that you should listen to everybody but follow what your heart says. And if you have not found what you want to do in life, then just keep exploring. Furthermore, he also advises that you should spend time with yourself and shall not let bad phases in your life take a toll on your mental health.

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Ankit Llamba, Director at Ceedar Cottages, Nainital

Watch inspiring story of Ankit Llamba, Director at Ceedar Cottages in Nainital.