Arts & Entertainment

Amreen Fatima, a Teacher and Art Enthusiast Advising Individuals to Follow Their Passion & Learn From Others, Rather Than Comparing


Always be a seeker to learn something new.
Always be a seeker to learn something new.

Working in the field of teaching for over ten years, Amreen has also written books and poems for anthologies. Driven by her passion for teaching, she completed various educational courses in Qatar. She believes in the power of time management and the importance of learning from others. She advises new aspirants to follow their passion and not compare themselves to others.

Amreen Fatima is a Teacher, Author and Artist from Doha, Qatar.

Amreen says that while teaching is her profession, art and writing are her passions. She has written many books. One of her popular books is for children which is a collection of stories. She is also a poet who has had her work published in ten to fifteen anthologies, and some more are waiting for their ISBN number to be allotted. Besides, she is part of  some social groups too, such as Muse India Publications, a literary English writing journal. In addition, she contributes frequently to a few literary periodicals.

Amreen creates a range of artwork, including oil and acrylic paintings on canvas. She also does Henna art and ‘kashidakari’. She occasionally creates works of art using her imagination and at other times she just copies some popular works of art. Her favourite art genre is  Rajasthani Miniature Paintings which depict women in ‘ghagras’ wearing all the traditional ornaments. She says she likes the Rajasthani culture as she was born here and grew up among Rajasthani traditions.

Amreen states that teaching is her main profession and she has worked as a teacher for more than 10 years. She enjoys teaching young children through stories and teaches both small and young children, and this was her primary motivation for penning the children's book "Stories of Greenshire".

When asked how she manages her passions for art and writing along with teaching, Amreen accepts that managing her time is extremely challenging for her because she is a mother of two small naughty boys and managing things in Qatar is comparatively tougher. She has therefore always struggled with time management, but she also thinks that everything is possible if enough effort is put into it. She thinks that when you set your mind to something and are motivated to do it, you will definitely succeed. She says that it's true that everyone has got the same 24 hours, but you have to manage everything within that time. She gave up her personal time to manage things and devoted herself to her passion.

Recalling her early years, Amreen says she was married in Udaipur, where she was born and raised. However, she later relocated to Qatar. She attended The Study school for her education up to the tenth grade, and then went to CPS school for her upper secondary education. She enrolled at Meera Girls College for her B.Com. and after that completed her MBA (Master in Business Administration). She later considered pursuing a professional degree in education, so she completed a master's degree in English Literature before earning a B.Ed. degree. In addition to her extensive teaching experience, she has completed many courses in Qatar, such as the Early Years Foundation Stage Courses (EYFS), Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT), and other Knowledge Teaching courses.

Regarding her role models, Amreen states that she finds inspiration in everything and everyone because everyone possesses both good and negative traits in her opinion.  She tries to emulate the positive traits of others. If she observes any good qualities in anyone,  and believes she ought to possess those attributes as well, she would try  to emulate them.

The quote by Socrates “True wisdom is to know that you know nothing” motivates her a lot. According to her, learning anything new while you are already fully saturated would not result in retention. She is constantly willing to pick up new skills from people since she believes that she is an empty vessel and that she wants to learn more about everything. When it comes to learning she is a beggar, says Amreen.

Talking about her accomplishments, Amreen says that writing and releasing her own book is  her biggest achievement. She has also contributed to several anthologies. She's now also working on getting her artwork showcased in an exhibition. However, she considers herself still struggling.

She counsels aspiring writers that writing is a way to express what you believe but are unable to express it verbally, by putting your ideas down on paper. According to her, there is never a bad time to start writing, so if you want to accomplish something, now is the perfect moment to do it. It is important for people to pursue their passions now, and if they haven't done it already, they should do it now as it's never too late. Everyone grows in their own cycle. Thinking that it's too late and that I have many responsibilities and that I am 40 or 50 is wrong.

Asked about writers’ block, and whether she has faced it ever, Amreen replies that it is very natural and that she is undergoing that currently and has not written anything for six months. However, according to her, it’s not something to worry about. She says that you keep on listening to whatever is going on around you and when you listen, you are grabbing onto things and taking in everything. You will yourself sense the urge to write when the moment arrives. According to her, writing is an impulsive emotion that emerges on paper at the appropriate moment.

As a woman, she counsels other women, telling them not to underestimate themselves and to not think that they are any less than men. She thinks that women become far stronger than men when they assist one another. She says that in order for others to think well of you, you must first think well of yourself. Passion itself means that you have to follow it at all costs. Writing and creating art, in her opinion, are forms of therapy that uplift and cheer you up.

On a concluding note, Amreen says that whether you are a male or a female, and whatever be the situation you are going through,  just follow your gut if you have decided to undertake anything. It won't be a huge problem if you give it a shot and fail. Failure, in her opinion, only means you have to try again till you succeed.

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Watch the Uplifting Story of an Educator Amreen Fatima | Writer and Artist

Meet Amreen Fatima, a Teacher, Author and Artist from Doha, Qatar. She is a teacher by profession and is also following her passion for writing and art. Explore her journey of working in three different fields.